Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Breast Feeding Of Husband Allowed In Islam?

The future? E 'behind us ...

It 'amazing how an octogenarian woman can say two things terribly common sense and intelligence on the civil rights of LGBT people, and lay people, compared with a current-generation-one that should be young, but than-average-is actually tremendously older, moralist and narrowly shut up in his fear.
The Pride? Perhaps there is a need to be so provocative, and the Church? The main culprit of this climate of intolerance.
This interview was with Daniel for Guido Gessa
E Polis .
The future is behind us ...

I, a lay woman who believes in love toward others
"Politics? A disaster. Too many useless words and very little substance "

Best of Madonna and Barbara Streisand. More Ornella Vanoni and Mina. Vladimir Luxuria and Nichi Vendola? There is nothing in comparison. The new icon of Italian is gay, strange to say, just the eighty-six Margherita Hack. Courted right and left by the associations for civil rights of homosexuals, astrophysics Italy's most famous and one of the most traded on the world, was nominated to be, then everything is blurred, the godmother of the National Gay Pride Bologna. City from where the guest of honor alla rassegna cinematografica Biografilm Festival, fa sapere: «La prossima parata del 28 giugno sarà una ventata di libertà».

Ma Piume di struzzo e lustrini non rischiano di nuocere alla causa dei gay italiani? Gli eccessi non tendono a ghettizzare?

Forse è necessario che si sfoci nel ridicolo. Proprio per affermare i diritti legati all’appartenenza a una società. Ben venga, insomma, il Gay Pride. L’importante, per poter manifestare, è non fare violenza al prossimo. E gli omosessuali di male non ne fanno a nessuno.

Eppure già montano le prime polemiche. Dopo il Gay Pride a Roma la Chiesa è insorta. Famiglia Cristiana lo ha definito una "pagliacciata". And in Naples the same day had beaten up two young homosexuals.

The Church is the main culprit of this climate. It blames the DNA of gays as well as a time, blamed the left-handed children. Minorities, in this Italy, have an easy life and all that, in 2008, is almost absurd.

The Church in fact. E 'possible to combine science and religion in this world today?

I've always supported. God is an invention, pure and simple invention with the irrational to explain what science can not explain. Everyone, of course, is free to believe, even scientists. But while the logic of scientific experimentation and observation is made, that religion is a pure act of faith, a personal choice.

Some may take offense to this statement ...

The interference of the Church has always been devoid of boundaries. The Vatican wants and always wanted to impose its moral to those who do not believe in God because those who have faith should not be bound to an ethic that is not his? I am convinced that, however, there is a moral good for everyone, believers or not. Love your neighbor as yourself. And do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.

She was one of the few gentlemen, also considering the ladies maschi, a lasciare la poltrona, nel 2006. E l'anno prima aveva rinunciato al posto di consigliere regionale in Lombardia. Si è pentita di quelle scelte?

Il mestiere del politico non fa per me, anche se ho sempre accettato le sfide che mi venivano proposte. Non mi sono assolutamente pentita di quelle mie decisioni. Ho avuto un’esperienza in Comune a Trieste, città in cui vivo, per un’alleanza di sinistra. Ed è stata un’esperienza drammatica. Discussioni infinite che duravano ore e ore. Troppe chiacchiere inutili. Tornavo a casa sempre alle due del mattino e, come si può immaginare, alla mia età non è molto consigliato fare troppo tardi.

Come valuta l'esclusione della far left by the Italian Parliament?

A real tragedy, the result of the huge mistake of wanting to Veltroni to run alone. The Left should learn to get along, as do the other political party, should also learn to be more practical and less ideological. Yet, on the left, there has always been divided since 1945. But it said sharing the ideals, money and power, instead, add.

What were then the mistakes of the Democratic Party? Why Silvio Berlusconi has won?

The Democratic Party has not had the courage to fight for the rights of secularism. He was too shy and submissive. Poi, ripeto, il più grosso errore è stato quello di escludere la sinistra estrema dalla coalizione. Forse speravano, così facendo, di guadagnare consensi al centr. Ma sicuramente hanno perso molti, moltissimi consensi a sinistra. Dall’altra parte, appunto, Silvio Berlusconi, che ha puntato tutto sulla sicurezza. Un venditore più bravo di Vanna Marchi, abilissimo nel comunicare e nel propagandare. Doti che a Veltroni mancano di sicuro.


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