Alla facciaccia della misera, triste ristrettezza di vedute di santamadrechiesa sulla sessualità, che rifiuta di rendersi conto che il mondo cambia (grazie a dio, mi verrebbe da dire, se non suonasse troppo sarcastico...), ecco un'altra puntuale analisi sull'evoluzione della sessualità contemporanea.
Perché la chiesa si ostina a rifiutare ogni forma di affettività, even before the sexuality that is not the usual 'traditional family'? I can not imagine ...
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Research shows that gender roles have changed, the genres are getting closer. And coitus tired (but no tenderness).
love you in four: two biological bodies (male and female) follow the evolutionary drive to reproduce (to deliver their genes into the future), while two individuals (man and woman), developed by the culture in the minds and body, trying to gain control of the first two. With difficulty, since, in our postmodern society, has established the asymmetry between sex and reproduction, similar to the difference between feed and food, or between emission and singing vocals. The trouble is that, in the West, men and women begin to make a confusion between the control room and the bed. It's a question of models. Once it was clear: he loved Mars Venus, making the cuckold deformed Hephaestus (Odyssey, VIII, 266-366), in the meantime bell'Apollo chasing nymphs, and at the crucial moment, not combined at all. Mercury was the guide of dead souls, carrying out the erotic fantasies. The Dee, out of shame, they were not watching. Today, since the days of Homer, flipped the binary distinctions. With regard to sex, the Italians are now women and / or uome. So it appears in the analysis conducted by the GPF to Pfeizer, Italians and sexuality (2007), where they meet strange sexual subjects. "The first macroevidenza investigation is the alignment of the responses of men and women on most indicators. The figure shows the approach of the genera, based on a review process of sex roles. " As Simone de Beauvoir would say: "Being a woman means being a man like another." In praise of women, advertising exposes the naked male body. Good result, like the one that allowed women to make soldier and kill children. On the other hand, "advertisers are sand merchants who work for the expansion of the desert" (Group Marcuse, 2006). Still
research GPF: "Men are now more willing to talk about their sexuality and the problems related to it and were more likely to resolve any form of discomfort with an approach that combines the need to find understanding and listening, and safety data from the perspective of medical support. " Polls, you know, essentially contain narratives of self, how we want to be and not how it was. Freud did not interpret dreams, but to analyze how they were told, word for word. You così che andrebbero letti i sondaggi. A quanto pare, l’italiano di oggi è fautore della coppia d’amore (per il 76,6% degli uomini e l’85,6% delle donne, “non è possibile avere rapporti sessuali soddisfacenti senza coinvolgimento affettivo”). L’uomo si immagina tenero con le donne, ma sicuro della sua “durezza farmaceutica” sotto la cintura.
Dato che quest’ultima la si risolve in qualche modo, esiste la pillola della tenerezza? Come scriveva Hemingway: “Per resistere bisogna durare”. Il 77% degli italiani tra i 18-74 anni (34 milioni di individui) dichiara di avere una relazione sentimentale. Tra costoro, il 60% dichiara di essere molto soddisfatto the sexual sphere, assigning a score from 8 to 10, since cross-gender (61% men and 59% women). The myth would stand if it were not for the endless number of prostitutes, pedophilia, violence, voyeurism, pornography on the Internet. Perhaps this is the point: the sexual satisfaction of men and women is redirected toward complex goals.
In this regard we are witnessing a series of behavioral changes in the sphere of sexuality that show a reversal of secondary sexual characteristics. The phenomenon, as always in the imagination, the female body involves more than the male. Sex is no longer considered what you turn to the genitalia (characters primary sexual), but the one that handles the secondary (butts, breasts, feet, lips, navel, back, hair, muscles and length of the penis for men, etc...) This is the realm of lightness and tenderness, as shown by the Latin lover. The primary sex is blood and sweat, the secondary is the praise of impermanence. Why is market area. The tender leaves no consequences, intercourse yes. Tenderness is buying back indefinitely. Coitus tired. It should then reconsider the sexual satisfaction: this serves the primary or secondary sex? Today I think Italians are very pleased with this second new form of sex linked to secondary characters: men are all voyeurs and skilled in the dead hand, women have become exhibitionist (to the point where it is represented, with lots of open raincoat, an old lady of a commercial machine). A great satisfaction.
way: on average men declare a higher level of satisfaction related to the desire for increased performance, in terms of frequency and duration. When asked about the desire to have a second after the first sexual intercourse, 18.1% of respondents answered "always" or "often" against the 47.6% that is divided between "rarely" and "never." Significant differences between the responses of men and women for the first "always" or "often" reached 23.5% compared to 12.7% of women and the "rarely" or "never" came in at 38.9% against 56.3% of women. What happened to the myth of female orgasm never reached because of the speed men? It seems to see them women, "Honey, we do it again?"; "Oppercarità, no."
Sexuality is the protagonist of the secondary re-genderization, the reappropriation of the female gender among the young. "The bag must be: chewing gum, lip gloss, hair clips, curler": This is information given in writing (in a book related to the Trollz cartoon) to children of four years. The popular image of tissue perverted, ignored by the intellectual elite, decide what to buy, to dream. And which models the "new women" must meet. The male response was simply a long lustful look at what Ariel Levy calls Raunch, the spread of what was once the limits of pornography: a view to his underwear, continuous strip, lap dance (I saw a girl on the tram to mention the steps ) labbroni tits and a whore. In Study on childhood and adolescence (Eurispes, 2007, interviewed 1950 people aged 11 to 18 years), we find that 57.2% "did not yet done" (2005, 64%); la maggior parte dei ragazzi fa sesso tra i 15 e i 17 anni; il 4% tra gli 11 e i 13 anni.
Con il sesso le ragazzine scelgono l’amore (58% rispetto al 13,5% dei maschi). Potrebbe però essere un atteggiamento legato allo stereotipo femminile che spinge a giustificare coi sentimenti il desiderio sessuale. Una ragazza mi ha detto che imparava a baciare guardando i telefilm. Auguri: e il resto? La pornografia su Internet è visitata dai ragazzini: maschi 17,7%, femmine 14%. I maschi si eccitano, le ragazze imparano. Qual è il contraltare maschile delle fatine Winx? Kafka scriveva: «Uno degli strumenti del male è il dialogo». Gli italiani la pensano diversamente: per il 90,4% “è importante talk about sexuality with their partner (research GPF). Equal percentage, shared by men and women, believes that "man today to seduce a woman must know how to talk to her and listen." Seduction? Apparently the new man is a cross between Italian Valentino Rossi (neoteny, and big blue eyes, round head and curly) and George Clooney (dark, but not dangerous intent, his head bowed and tender look, to listen to damsels). Women, after the crime to try to ask Clooney what you said and see if he remembers something. For my part, I remain anchored to the John Wayne model. After months of adventures, I come home exhausted on the horse, the eyebrows downward, tired. In the cartridge, maybe, I have a blue pill (you never know). By not saying anything to the woman waiting for me. I'm not going to lie to an embrace. On the other hand, the heroes are to lose.
While they are intent on dying, their women will mate with the cowards stayed at home.
(from http://dweb.repubblica.it/home )
Research shows that gender roles have changed, the genres are getting closer. And coitus tired (but no tenderness).
love you in four: two biological bodies (male and female) follow the evolutionary drive to reproduce (to deliver their genes into the future), while two individuals (man and woman), developed by the culture in the minds and body, trying to gain control of the first two. With difficulty, since, in our postmodern society, has established the asymmetry between sex and reproduction, similar to the difference between feed and food, or between emission and singing vocals. The trouble is that, in the West, men and women begin to make a confusion between the control room and the bed. It's a question of models. Once it was clear: he loved Mars Venus, making the cuckold deformed Hephaestus (Odyssey, VIII, 266-366), in the meantime bell'Apollo chasing nymphs, and at the crucial moment, not combined at all. Mercury was the guide of dead souls, carrying out the erotic fantasies. The Dee, out of shame, they were not watching. Today, since the days of Homer, flipped the binary distinctions. With regard to sex, the Italians are now women and / or uome. So it appears in the analysis conducted by the GPF to Pfeizer, Italians and sexuality (2007), where they meet strange sexual subjects. "The first macroevidenza investigation is the alignment of the responses of men and women on most indicators. The figure shows the approach of the genera, based on a review process of sex roles. " As Simone de Beauvoir would say: "Being a woman means being a man like another." In praise of women, advertising exposes the naked male body. Good result, like the one that allowed women to make soldier and kill children. On the other hand, "advertisers are sand merchants who work for the expansion of the desert" (Group Marcuse, 2006). Still
research GPF: "Men are now more willing to talk about their sexuality and the problems related to it and were more likely to resolve any form of discomfort with an approach that combines the need to find understanding and listening, and safety data from the perspective of medical support. " Polls, you know, essentially contain narratives of self, how we want to be and not how it was. Freud did not interpret dreams, but to analyze how they were told, word for word. You così che andrebbero letti i sondaggi. A quanto pare, l’italiano di oggi è fautore della coppia d’amore (per il 76,6% degli uomini e l’85,6% delle donne, “non è possibile avere rapporti sessuali soddisfacenti senza coinvolgimento affettivo”). L’uomo si immagina tenero con le donne, ma sicuro della sua “durezza farmaceutica” sotto la cintura.
Dato che quest’ultima la si risolve in qualche modo, esiste la pillola della tenerezza? Come scriveva Hemingway: “Per resistere bisogna durare”. Il 77% degli italiani tra i 18-74 anni (34 milioni di individui) dichiara di avere una relazione sentimentale. Tra costoro, il 60% dichiara di essere molto soddisfatto the sexual sphere, assigning a score from 8 to 10, since cross-gender (61% men and 59% women). The myth would stand if it were not for the endless number of prostitutes, pedophilia, violence, voyeurism, pornography on the Internet. Perhaps this is the point: the sexual satisfaction of men and women is redirected toward complex goals.
In this regard we are witnessing a series of behavioral changes in the sphere of sexuality that show a reversal of secondary sexual characteristics. The phenomenon, as always in the imagination, the female body involves more than the male. Sex is no longer considered what you turn to the genitalia (characters primary sexual), but the one that handles the secondary (butts, breasts, feet, lips, navel, back, hair, muscles and length of the penis for men, etc...) This is the realm of lightness and tenderness, as shown by the Latin lover. The primary sex is blood and sweat, the secondary is the praise of impermanence. Why is market area. The tender leaves no consequences, intercourse yes. Tenderness is buying back indefinitely. Coitus tired. It should then reconsider the sexual satisfaction: this serves the primary or secondary sex? Today I think Italians are very pleased with this second new form of sex linked to secondary characters: men are all voyeurs and skilled in the dead hand, women have become exhibitionist (to the point where it is represented, with lots of open raincoat, an old lady of a commercial machine). A great satisfaction.
way: on average men declare a higher level of satisfaction related to the desire for increased performance, in terms of frequency and duration. When asked about the desire to have a second after the first sexual intercourse, 18.1% of respondents answered "always" or "often" against the 47.6% that is divided between "rarely" and "never." Significant differences between the responses of men and women for the first "always" or "often" reached 23.5% compared to 12.7% of women and the "rarely" or "never" came in at 38.9% against 56.3% of women. What happened to the myth of female orgasm never reached because of the speed men? It seems to see them women, "Honey, we do it again?"; "Oppercarità, no."
Sexuality is the protagonist of the secondary re-genderization, the reappropriation of the female gender among the young. "The bag must be: chewing gum, lip gloss, hair clips, curler": This is information given in writing (in a book related to the Trollz cartoon) to children of four years. The popular image of tissue perverted, ignored by the intellectual elite, decide what to buy, to dream. And which models the "new women" must meet. The male response was simply a long lustful look at what Ariel Levy calls Raunch, the spread of what was once the limits of pornography: a view to his underwear, continuous strip, lap dance (I saw a girl on the tram to mention the steps ) labbroni tits and a whore. In Study on childhood and adolescence (Eurispes, 2007, interviewed 1950 people aged 11 to 18 years), we find that 57.2% "did not yet done" (2005, 64%); la maggior parte dei ragazzi fa sesso tra i 15 e i 17 anni; il 4% tra gli 11 e i 13 anni.
Con il sesso le ragazzine scelgono l’amore (58% rispetto al 13,5% dei maschi). Potrebbe però essere un atteggiamento legato allo stereotipo femminile che spinge a giustificare coi sentimenti il desiderio sessuale. Una ragazza mi ha detto che imparava a baciare guardando i telefilm. Auguri: e il resto? La pornografia su Internet è visitata dai ragazzini: maschi 17,7%, femmine 14%. I maschi si eccitano, le ragazze imparano. Qual è il contraltare maschile delle fatine Winx? Kafka scriveva: «Uno degli strumenti del male è il dialogo». Gli italiani la pensano diversamente: per il 90,4% “è importante talk about sexuality with their partner (research GPF). Equal percentage, shared by men and women, believes that "man today to seduce a woman must know how to talk to her and listen." Seduction? Apparently the new man is a cross between Italian Valentino Rossi (neoteny, and big blue eyes, round head and curly) and George Clooney (dark, but not dangerous intent, his head bowed and tender look, to listen to damsels). Women, after the crime to try to ask Clooney what you said and see if he remembers something. For my part, I remain anchored to the John Wayne model. After months of adventures, I come home exhausted on the horse, the eyebrows downward, tired. In the cartridge, maybe, I have a blue pill (you never know). By not saying anything to the woman waiting for me. I'm not going to lie to an embrace. On the other hand, the heroes are to lose.
While they are intent on dying, their women will mate with the cowards stayed at home.
(from http://dweb.repubblica.it/home )
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