(diceva Sabrina Ferilli in un noto spot di una compagnia telefonica di qualche tempo fa)
E' un pò (un bel pò) di mesi che giro per i siti/blog laici per proporre the idea of \u200b\u200ba unified national event (or some similar initiative, but with all the possible developments) of the Italian laity are not tied to a particular event or contingent, but with the expressly stated purpose of manifesting the presence of lay people in civil and social life of our country. Lay -free now and this is terribly seriously any representation in parliament, where everyone, even the ex-Communists, Catholics declare themselves in some way, or interested sympathizers. Now being Catholic is like having a discount card at the supermarket, the more you buy the more-or-more benefits you baciapile-career.
The Santopadre, the I think the worst for several centuries now, thanks, and followed his followers to arm against us, or against the other half around the country, the secular, atheist / agnostic, but also anti-clerical "adult Catholic." E 'in a war of conquest, a silent war, fraudulent and despicable because not-explicitly-declared against the country of all, the stakes are the secular: the winner gets angry and does what he believes. Draw your conclusions.
And the Italian lay? Not received.
And the Italian lay? Not received.
And to get back to us, feedback on my proposals? Zero! Always the same answer: "But we are few," but who want to follow us, "we can not do alone," "Wait for better times" (migliooori?), "We have all our commitments" and so on.
It 's true that we who gravitate primarily around Resistance Lay are four cats, but we also say-as-a reliable statistical sample, I believe and hope, lay people more awake and aware of what is happening in vaticali, according to the rest of the Italian lay asleep, was stunned by the election defeat, is doing to deal with its empty of ideas and their own cowardice, well here is up to us 'handful' try-at least-a rocking the boat.
My idea to start with, was to find the XX Settembre at Porta Pia, Rome, to begin to show us, to give a little hope to those who do not know that you can still, despite everything, be secular in Italy, and indeed must, if you do not want to succumb to the theocracy upright. In short, a longer version of the investee and No Vat , so to speak. It 's just an idea. We
few? And if-just for a change perspective, we do not care if we follow in a few? On the other hand, if anyone starts to mobilize, we will never know what might happen ... mica and then we have to march on Rome! I am not a megalomaniac, I want to clarify, I do not think being able to replicate the presumed-to three million Cofferati, I'm just saying long as we continue to be invisible-of-fact, no one will think to join, to mobilize.
It 's true that we who gravitate primarily around Resistance Lay are four cats, but we also say-as-a reliable statistical sample, I believe and hope, lay people more awake and aware of what is happening in vaticali, according to the rest of the Italian lay asleep, was stunned by the election defeat, is doing to deal with its empty of ideas and their own cowardice, well here is up to us 'handful' try-at least-a rocking the boat.
My idea to start with, was to find the XX Settembre at Porta Pia, Rome, to begin to show us, to give a little hope to those who do not know that you can still, despite everything, be secular in Italy, and indeed must, if you do not want to succumb to the theocracy upright. In short, a longer version of the investee and No Vat , so to speak. It 's just an idea. We
few? And if-just for a change perspective, we do not care if we follow in a few? On the other hand, if anyone starts to mobilize, we will never know what might happen ... mica and then we have to march on Rome! I am not a megalomaniac, I want to clarify, I do not think being able to replicate the presumed-to three million Cofferati, I'm just saying long as we continue to be invisible-of-fact, no one will think to join, to mobilize.
Theoretically we still have time, begin to spread the word ... if not this year or even next, I believe that most of the lay associations and libertarian (or at least the most aggressive) would agree, we just need someone who is accustomed to organize 'these things. And why not-maybe you could try, ask yourself why the limitations? - At various levels involving some famous test 'secular faith', the famous faces would be very helpful to the cause, would 'civil audience'.
The ultimate goal is medium-to long-term quello di dimostrare a qualcuno di quelli che scaldano le poltrone in Parlamento che rappresentare le istanze dei laici è conveniente, che rende e frutta in termini di consenso elettorale (che quelli solo il linguaggio mercantile capiscono), perché c'é un vasto bacino di cittadini/elettori che -come dicevo in apertura- non è più rappresentata in Parlamento. Bisogna creare le condizioni per una azione di lobbing uguale e contraria a quella dei cattolici. Ecco perché dobbiamo mostrarci, uscire allo scoperto, alzare la voce.
Che se non ci aiutiamo da soli, nessuno lo farà.
L'alternativa è rassegnarsi, che vincerà la chiesa, anzi, ha già vinto, e ha vinto perché noi laici siamo "Very few, very fragmented, with different ideas between us," he answered me today as an on RL.
I do not take it anymore, and pisses me off like a beast that none of those (and I also want to put me there, which are basically just a poor ignorant) no one who is indignant ass standing on the chair in front of the pc then be prepared to put his nose out of the door!
Okay, not to generalize: almost none. Excluding LGBT activists and feminist movements, as it happens categories experiencing the greatest pressure clericofascista at this time: yes, maybe we will to "save the world," but we are still too few. We are "very few, very fragmented, with different ideas between us" ...
So we continue to be, no? E 'is the message? (But then who said that we are few? If anything, many are not aware of it or-worse-apathy)
Y'know what? What this blog, all of these 'initiatives' Internet users are useless, they serve only to our self-pity, and perhaps to the narcissism of someone if they do not become something more concrete and soon!
What is all coming here on the web to talk among ourselves, that so-some more than others-we always agree on everything?
wait a little, yes, then one day someone comes along and says the sites 'non-aligned' outlaws, so we do not even talk more. (Do not tell me that is not realistic, hanno già provato a fare qualcosa del genere nella scorsa legislatura .)
A me non serve venire qui a piagnucolare mentre fuori il mondo va a puttane, non mi basta...
Bah, è proprio vero: ... quanto ci piace chiacchierare!
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