Whatever we can think, Pride is the last major event LAICA that there remained, there is nothing else, no other opportunity for the laity Italians to show that they exist and to claim their rights and their concerns: separation of church and state (it is written in the Constitution), fine pernicious influence of a certain kind of Catholicism on politics and society, with all that follows. Never as in this case the interest of a minority-the-lgbt people coincide with those of the entire nation. By the Catholics 'landing', those 'armed' by the Vatican, we can not expect nothing but the usual arrogance, but from the laity should expect a massive participation in the absence of other initiatives of the same magnitude. I asked several times succeed sooner or later the "good lay addromentati" to wake up, 'we' (gay, femministe, atei...) li stiamo baciando da un pezzo?
Domani Gay Pride a Milano e a Roma; qui, la sceneggiata della piazza finale del corteo si è conclusa come al solito, con la vittoria dei "mandanti" occulti: due preti che cantano in processione e il questore che capitola e nega il permesso concesso due mesi fa. Poco male: ci si ritroverà tutti a piazza Navona, quella del
"coraggio laico" .
Un articolo della sempre ottima Tiziana Ficacci e di NoGod :
6/06/08 - Pierluigi da Palestrina batte i Village People 1 a 0. Complice an arbitrator sold: the Rome police. Cancelled permission has already been agreed and signed to end the Gay Pride in Rome Piazza San Giovanni with the excuse that the demonstration in the square would disrupt the performance of sacred music in the Basilica. But the real reason is that priests today, Berlusconi and the right wing bigots in the government, they can get anything from any organ of state power. Even a fool like that which has characterized the police station today, becoming the police of the Vatican, which thus extends its jurisdiction over that state even on the square of the Basilica. The physical boundaries of the Vatican is increasing more and soon encompassing the whole country that is now in tutti gli effetti, anche per la polizia, un Vicereame del Papa Re. Ed ecco il pensiero di Tiziana Ficacci sul caso Gay Pride.
6/6/08 – La culla del diritto. Grave sconfitta per il gay pride romano di domani che si concluderà a piazza Navona. La vicenda è nota: gli organizzatori della sfilata avevano ottenuto già da due mesi il permesso per sfociare, dopo un breve corteo, a piazza San Giovanni. Retromarcia della questura a manifesti già stampati e affissi in città perché nelle stesse ore all’interno della basilica c’è un concerto a conclusione di un convegno dell’Università Lateranense. La spiegazione non tiene, anzi denuncia un grave pregiudizio da parte della autorità preposta, that is careful not to mix the sacred with the profane. And this is not its responsibility because the police have the task of ensuring public order, and the memory of man (and woman) never a gay pride parade has created problems of public order. Serious, very serious indeed, that the Interior Ministry has not intervened to block this complaint that, in fact, issue an administrative case on gay pride parade. Recall that in 2000, the year of jubilee Catholic, a similar attempt at censorship that was aired by the Holy See believed that desecrating the streets could be plowed by homosexuals from all over the world. In that case, the Interior Minister Amato opposed to the pretensions of the Vatican the Italian Constitution which enshrines the right to express freely and peacefully. And if we add to this the unfortunate issue of immigration offense we have bingo. A provision made to meet the most right-wing electorate frustrated and quarrelsome and, in fact, it will be impossible. But it takes even more to soil the image of our country, show the rest of the world as xenophobic and racist (we're not everyone). Tiziana
I have already said what I think . Good Pride Roman (and Milan) who will be there.
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