by Cardinal Martini, a stern warning to priests: "Too much greed in us, we like the most applause from the whistle."
"vanity, envy and slander deadly sins in the Church"
Zita Dazzi, Repubblica.it
LONDON - A hard lesson for men of the Church, sinners like all other men. And a stern warning to priests: "Do not conformed to this world. We need a true renewal of the mind. "Sick and suffering from Parkinson's disease, thought of not succeeding, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, to preach the spiritual exercises. But, having just returned from Jerusalem, has come down to Galloro, near Ariccia the house of the Jesuits, where priests go to meditate. And with them, breaking the sermons from time to time to undergo the clinical examination, it was very clear, commenting on the songs of Paul's letter to the Romans, which speaks of sin: "All these sins, without exception, were committed in the history of the world, but not all. have been committed in the history of the Church. From laity, but also by priests, nuns here, from religious, cardinals, bishops and also by popes. All .
A real lesson about "deadly sins" of the Church today, with no fear of saying something disagreeable. On the contrary with the confidence to offer "a track of reflection." Martini wanted to talk about the "sins affect us just as clerics "first sin" outsiders "such as fornication, murder and theft, stating" these affect us less than others, but also affect us. "And then went to examine" the lusts , the wickedness, adultery. "He warned:" How many secret yearnings within us. We want to see, know, understand, penetrate. This contamination the heart. And then there's cheating, which to me is also a religious pretend that there is . Do things like if you were looking perfectly, but no insides.
The archbishop emeritus of Milan then spoke of envy, "the vice clerical par excellence: the envy makes us say" Why another had what it was up to me? ". There are those worn by envy that say "What did I do this because the bishop was appointed and not me?". "And again:" I would also tell them of slander: blessed those dioceses where there are no anonymous letters . When I was archbishop gave a mandate to destroy them. But there are entire diocese ruined by anonymous letters, magari scritte a Roma ... ".
Carlo Maria Martini, vescovo per 22 anni a Milano, sente il dovere di parlare esplicitamente ai giovani preti, auspicando un rinnovamento: "Devo farlo perché sarà l'ultimo ritiro, fa parte delle scelte che fa una persona anziana e in dirittura d'arrivo, ci sono cose che devo dire alla Chiesa". La sua lezione continua giorno dopo giorno durante la settimana di ritiro spirituale. "San Paolo parla del "vanto di fare gruppo" , di coloro che credono di fare molti proseliti, di portare gente perché così si conta di più. Questo difetto grave è molto presente anche nella Chiesa di oggi. Come il vizio della vanagloria, del vantarsi. Ci piace più l'applauso del fischio , l'accoglienza della resistenza. E potrei aggiungere che grande è la vanità nella Chiesa. Grande! Si mostra negli abiti. Un tempo i cardinali avevano sei metri di coda di seta. Ma continuamente la Chiesa si spoglia e si riveste di ornamenti inutili. Ha questa tendenza alla vanteria ".
Non fa nomi, Martini, se non quello del papa Benedetto XVI, citato tre o quattro volte, affettuosamente: "Dobbiamo ringraziare Dio di averlo, anche se poi abbiamo qualcosa da criticare". Ma Martini è come se volesse anche mettere in guardia Ratzinger quando, riprendendo le parole del papa, mette in guardia i preti dal "vanto terribile del carrierismo": "Anche nella Curia romana ciascuno vuole be more. It is a certain unconscious censorship in words. Some things can not say because we know that block career. This is a very serious evil of the Church, especially in the ordered hierarchies because it prevents us from telling the truth. You try to say what pleases his superiors, he tries to act according to what one imagines is their desire, thus making a great disservice to the Pope himself. "
A bleak picture, the great biblical scholar, details such as who can only know the mechanisms of power from the Church: "Unfortunately there are priests who pose the verge of becoming bishops, and they succeed. There are bishops who do not speak because they know they are not encouraged a sede maggiore. Alcuni che non parlano per non bloccare la propria candidatura al cardinalato. Dobbiamo chiedere a Dio il dono della libertà. Siamo richiamati a essere trasparenti, a dire la verità. Ci vuole grande grazia. Ma chi ne esce è libero".
(5 giugno 2008)
Se fosse Papa a più di qualcuno adesso fischierebbero le orecchie. Mi astengo da ulteriori commenti...
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