Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Substitute For Vegatable Juice

Giornata di fraternità - 24 Ottobre

Buongiorno a tutte e tutti!!

Vi comunico gli orari e l'impostazione per la giornata di domenica.

Ci troveremo per celebrare insieme le lodi mattutine nella chiesa alle 9,10.

Sappiamo che questa proposta rende impossibile la partecipazione a
qualcuno poiché è troppo presto tuttavia abbiamo voluto privilegiare
Community participation in liturgical prayer, at least in
start of the day, the celebration will be in fact the whole community
"Sunday" and especially the friars.

At the end of the praises go out by the Church using the door to not disturb
side (or do as little as possible) the
preparation for the celebration of the Eucharist.

At 9.30 am we start our day with a two-time training
entries (including Robert and I).

We will then pause to 11.00.

At 11:30 we will celebrate the Eucharist in the chapel, within which our professed
renew for another year
their profession.

At 12.30 pm lunch with the monks. We would like to dedicate a moment of celebration for our professed
eating the cake together. We ask you therefore want to communicate to
Antonia (3477024324 or
antonia.magni @ gmail.com) who can bring the cake for the party.

At 14.15 we continue with the celebration of the time average.

Below we would like to live a moment to check out some shareholders
proposals for the fraternal year has just begun: we will focus in particular
sull'Effefestival (and just lived life ...) on
training project and the proposal of coteries (Of which you have read
some dates on the calendar).

We therefore conclude at 16.30 with the celebration of vespers together.

Remember to carry your BREVIARY

Best regards, see you Sunday, paola


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