We publish the text of the winner "games Scripture" by Ilaria Mavilla, which took place last night, October 18, 2010, during the evening of the School of Cinema Anna Magnani.
I'm a little spider who lost a paw and all my other friends tease me spiders, they are all more beautiful and stronger than me, are more bright and shiny and cobwebs capture many more insects than most succulent that I can catch me. My name Radicchio and are the last of ten children spiders. You say: But I
with a ball I can be the best because I always the best scores. For this reason I consider myself the best player of marbles between spiders! Unfortunately I can not write.
This makes me jealous. The others and I can not!
I would like to learn how to write ...
and envy it wears me out. Envy those who know how to write, so I started to kill them all. Funny writers with the hump that never see sunlight. So I take my marbles, one by one, and the tears in their skulls.
But at that point, the notch in the middle act, comes the ominous fate: Shit! A traffic warden! LIXXXPURWLKRGV 'm fucked!
Or I could get married. Mi ci vedete voi ad un matrimonio? Al Mio matrimonio?! Tutto vestito di bianco, con le biglie in tasca. E la mia sposa al fianco vestita di nero..ma che sto dicendo?? sono solo un piccolo ragnetto che ha perso una zampina...
e mentre penso tutto questo e già mi vedo con l'anello alla zampa a guardare la tv con mia moglie, nella nostra ragnatela calda calda...ecco che la ciabatta di una vecchia stupida, con la fobia delle aracnidi, mi piomba in testa dall'alto..e mi pesticcia bene bene.
Addio mia piccola sposa bianca, addio compagni ragni, addio care biglie.
La vita è così breve.
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