Thursday, October 28, 2010

Educational Recommendations For Aspber's

Bartolomeo Sorge - Città di Dio

will forward the presentation of this meeting .... maybe someone might be interested

good day to all

----- Original Message ----- From: Fabrizio Filiberti
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 11: 39
PM Subject:

located "City of God"

ecumenical association of religious

Monte Convento Frati Minori Mesma

Ameno (NO)

Sunday, November 14, 2010 9,15-12,30


Continuità e riletture

del Concilio Vaticano II


Con questo incontro vogliamo fare il punto sulla condizione della
Chiesa Cattolica oggi e sulla modalità della sua presenza nel mondo.
Realtà "pellegrinante" , con il Concilio Vaticano II ha imparato ad
unire evangelizzazione e promozione umana, dimensione spirituale e
incarnazione nella storia degli uomini nel rispetto dell'autonomia del
mondo e promuovendo il ruolo dei credenti laici al suo interno. Gli
anni successivi hanno mostrato —attraverso anche grandi personalità
of Popes and Bishops pastoral-lines were also
unique interpretations of the conciliar indications. Not always consistent,
not always shared by all.

Let us understand this process because not only
a competent scholar, but one of the major players in the post-
council in Italy.

Bartolomeo Sorge, a Jesuit, in 1966 joined the editorial staff of La
Catholic Civilization, fortnightly and the Society of Jesus
became director in 1973. Helped with the writing of Octogesima
adveniens, documento pontificio firmato da Paolo VI sull'azione della
comunità cristiana in campo politico, sociale ed economico. Fautore
di una nuova identità culturale e un nuovo ruolo politico dei
cattolici, estraneo all'integrismo di alcuni movimenti cattolici.
Lasciata la direzione di La Civiltà Cattolica nel 1985, dal 1986 al
1996 ha diretto l'Istituto di Formazione Politica Pedro Arrupe di
Palermo, sostenendo insieme a padre Ennio Pintacuda, la cosiddetta
Primavera palermitana di Leoluca Orlando. He was the founder of the Institute for Political Training
in Italy and abroad. Since 1997 he is responsible
delCentro San Fedele in Milan and was until 2009 editor of
Social Updates. Author of many books including
What we want to Italy? A handbook for Catholics in politics
(Milan, Anchor, 2006), Introduction to the Church's social doctrine
(Brescia, Queriniana, 2006); Crossing (Mondadori,

Technical Contribution to the meeting

4.00 € (5.00 with shipping Instruments).
there are few places available for lunch (10.00 euro), please
to book by Thursday before the meeting.

Information: Fabrizio

Filiberti & # 160; 0322 259212

Milena Simonotti & # 160; 3338465144


& # 160;

Anime Couple Vegeta Bulma

Auguri a Sara Pessino

To our dearest Sara Pessino

Merry Birthday &

# 160; ; from your fraternity

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Best Of Night Calls Tiffany

Auguri a Massimo Giudici

To our dear Massimo Giudici (our esteemed former minister !!!!!)

many wishes for a happy birthday from your fraternity


Monday, October 25, 2010

Rejecting Breast Implants Symptoms

Proposta dei cenacoli

Peace and goodwill to all!

I write for those who yesterday could not be there to share some
'circles of the idea that the board proposes to

from requests for some to have more moments of
sharing the gospel and suggestions arising from the
chapter, we decided to organize the circles to share the Word
in small groups. This as well as to promote our
meeting more regularly with the Word and sharing with our brothers
allows us to find times and places where our relations can deepen fraternal
, grow and mature just relying on the rock of
Gospel (in perfect harmony with the training
this year).

We would like to continue with the method of "popular reading of the Gospel
" we are learning in our monthly meetings on Saturday afternoon meditating
some excerpts from the Gospel of Matthew that
liturgy committee will advise shortly.

We have set out the indicative at least three times during the period of
this pastoral year (the calendar that you will find that there was in September
sent by mail) that would be nice if the various groups of the upper room you encounter
simultaneously. Nothing prevents, rather
well be that if there was a possibility and the desire to meet
more frequently, every "salon" is
dictate appointments and deadlines according to their needs those who constitute it.

The Liturgical Commission in all this would have only the
to give (say) the initial input for the creation Groups ...
the rest do not think we need more commitment, "the simplicity and
the breath of the Spirit are the masters!"

It 'important to remember that this proposal does not replace in any way
meetings fraternal sharing of the gospel monthly
Saturday, but are in addition to those who feel the desire.

So to start it all I ask those who are interested
let me know (phone: 347.9798858 email: @ miriam.77 )
by November 17 following information:

- ; la disponibilità o meno della propria casa come luogo di incontro

-          se ci fossero delle preferenze/o condizioni "sine qua non"
di orari (esempio: pomeriggio, sera…) o di giorni della settimana
(esempio: infra-settimanale, week-end, venerdì…)

una volta raccolte le disponibilità vi farò sapere al più presto!



Produce An Increase In Dead Space Volume?

Auguri a Fra Fiorenzo

Al nostro carissimo fra Fiorenzo
tanti auguri di Buon Compleanno

& # 160; by the Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dog Cyst Surgery Cost

AUGURI 22 ottobre

To our dearest Clare of Alconzo

Merry Birthday &

# 160; dalla tua Fraternità

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How Much Room For Shuffleboard

Auguri a Fra Candido

Al nostro carissimo Fra Candido

tanti auguri di Buon Compleanno

                    dalla Fraternità dell'Ofs

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Samsung Blu Ray Player Time Warner Cable Remote


You can be for or against the ideas of Michele Santoro, one must admit, however, the undisputed showman capacity of the conductor.

Sembra però che adesso il metodo Santoro faccia proseliti. Scommettiamo che la trasmissione di Fazio e Saviano andrà in onda con ottimi ascolti. Ancora non si è vista una puntata ma ne parlano tutti.
Mi spiace invece constatare che forse anche ” Report “ , programma di alto valore giornalistico, si faccia attirare dagli stessi espedienti di marketing. Magari ad Antigua non tutto è limpido come il suo mare ma la trasmissione
of talented Gabanelli once

was characterized by the concreteness and novelty of news and scoops that aired. I do not see what's new in the fact that Silvio Berlusconi has money in tax havens.
remains doubt that the method Santoro as a marketing strategy is spreading like wildfire.

Braces For A 17 Year Old

Vendita di torte giornata missionaria - 24 ottobre

Pace e Bene
 Domenica prossima 24 ottobre si celebra la Giornata Missionaria
Mondiale, come sempre organizziamo una vendita di torte per
raccogliere offerte.
E' gradita la vostra collaborazione con torte casalinghe che dovranno
essere consegnate in convento per sabato pomeriggio.
Grazie in anticipo per quanto potre fare.
Buona Giornata

Fra Roberto


Un caro saluto, ci vediamo domenica, paola

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Esp Primer And Where To Buy

"RADICCHIO" Vincitore Giochi di Scrittura

We publish the text of the winner "games Scripture" by Ilaria Mavilla, which took place last night, October 18, 2010, during the evening of the School of Cinema Anna Magnani.


I'm a little spider who lost a paw and all my other friends tease me spiders, they are all more beautiful and stronger than me, are more bright and shiny and cobwebs capture many more insects than most succulent that I can catch me. My name Radicchio and are the last of ten children spiders. You say: But I

with a ball I can be the best because I always the best scores. For this reason I consider myself the best player of marbles between spiders! Unfortunately I can not write.

This makes me jealous. The others and I can not!
I would like to learn how to write ...

and envy it wears me out. Envy those who know how to write, so I started to kill them all. Funny writers with the hump that never see sunlight. So I take my marbles, one by one, and the tears in their skulls.

But at that point, the notch in the middle act, comes the ominous fate: Shit! A traffic warden! LIXXXPURWLKRGV 'm fucked!

Or I could get married. Mi ci vedete voi ad un matrimonio? Al Mio matrimonio?! Tutto vestito di bianco, con le biglie in tasca. E la mia sposa al fianco vestita di che sto dicendo?? sono solo un piccolo ragnetto che ha perso una zampina...

e mentre penso tutto questo e già mi vedo con l'anello alla zampa a guardare la tv con mia moglie, nella nostra ragnatela calda calda...ecco che la ciabatta di una vecchia stupida, con la fobia delle aracnidi, mi piomba in testa dall'alto..e mi pesticcia bene bene.
Addio mia piccola sposa bianca, addio compagni ragni, addio care biglie.
La vita è così breve.

Does Sunlight Dish Soap Contain Ammonia


nice evening and a lot of people yesterday for the tenth anniversary of the School of Cinema Anna Magnani!

After the presentation of courses in the new year - with many new teachers, some of whom return to school after having been students - and the screening of two films, the first absolutely delicious, Consuelo Calitri and Andrea Snow, entitled WAVE made in stop motion animation (the story of strange people, inhabitants of a bewildering Venice, forced to abandon due to a peculiar virus .... seems to be the metaphorical story of a true destiny: to of a city like Venice, which gradually and inexorably depopulated), the second entitled AND REMAINED ONLY YESTERDAY written by a former student of screenwriting, Alessandro Lugli, directed with great sensitivity, by Emanuele Tassi (is the story of two childhood friends who find themselves with old filled with regrets ...) started the party for the ten years of the School of Cinema Anna Magnani.

has given the go-Carlo Rotelli, president of the School of Theatre Artimabanco di Cecina, now close friend and colleague of Anna Magnani, intensity and irony with reading a poem by Cuban poet - Jorge Fernandez Era - entitled "Impressions down from the 12th floor, "then it happened to John Rindi, also cecinese, who read beautifully, a bitter poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti (American beat generation) on the death of Bob Kennedy (assassination Raga), highly critical of the American way of life.

Then they kicked off the four performance for a single viewer at a time: Alessandra Macaluso in the projection booth played a little song written by Elena Cerri, Sandra Puccini, Iacopo Innocenti, Antonio Cacciato, all former students to script (a cashier / writer, a little crazy, complaining of directors ...), Gianluca Gori, in a stairwell, he played a monologue written by Francis Stefanacci, also a former pupil of the school's screenplay (pressing and disturbing the reflections of a thinker, reality, time, illusion ..), Chiara Luccianti (acting teacher) played in a bathroom , will the suicide of a desperate wife (monologue written by Ilaria Mavilla, professor of screenwriting at the Anna Magnani), and finally Vladimiro D'Agostino and John Gross, a text of Vladimiro D'Agostino.

The evening which also included a buffet, closed with a part and engaging film quiz team, coordinated and led by Marco Cei and creative writing with a game coordinated by Ilaria Mavilla (separately published in the story that won, entitled " Radicchio ). In short, a curious and entertaining evening that has proven once again that in Prato, but not limited to, the Anna Magnani is an important and vibrant cultural reality. Much of the credit for this goes to the participation and passion of many students and alumni.

Substitute For Vegatable Juice

Giornata di fraternità - 24 Ottobre

Buongiorno a tutte e tutti!!

Vi comunico gli orari e l'impostazione per la giornata di domenica.

Ci troveremo per celebrare insieme le lodi mattutine nella chiesa alle 9,10.

Sappiamo che questa proposta rende impossibile la partecipazione a
qualcuno poiché è troppo presto tuttavia abbiamo voluto privilegiare
Community participation in liturgical prayer, at least in
start of the day, the celebration will be in fact the whole community
"Sunday" and especially the friars.

At the end of the praises go out by the Church using the door to not disturb
side (or do as little as possible) the
preparation for the celebration of the Eucharist.

At 9.30 am we start our day with a two-time training
entries (including Robert and I).

We will then pause to 11.00.

At 11:30 we will celebrate the Eucharist in the chapel, within which our professed
renew for another year
their profession.

At 12.30 pm lunch with the monks. We would like to dedicate a moment of celebration for our professed
eating the cake together. We ask you therefore want to communicate to
Antonia (3477024324 or
antonia.magni @ who can bring the cake for the party.

At 14.15 we continue with the celebration of the time average.

Below we would like to live a moment to check out some shareholders
proposals for the fraternal year has just begun: we will focus in particular
sull'Effefestival (and just lived life ...) on
training project and the proposal of coteries (Of which you have read
some dates on the calendar).

We therefore conclude at 16.30 with the celebration of vespers together.

Remember to carry your BREVIARY

Best regards, see you Sunday, paola

Monday, October 18, 2010

Locker Storage Cubby Systems


The problem of tax evasion in Italy is a serious problem, not only due to the high tax burden but also the complexity of certificazione e del versamento dei mille "balzelli" che un imprenditore deve soddisfare.
In Italia è molto più facile evadere le tasse che rispettare la legge!
Credo che se si vuole incidere veramente  sulla grande evasione fiscale presente nel nostro paese si debba cercare di semplificare il meccanismo con cui si riscuotono le tasse.
Qualche tempo fa in un servizio del programma televisivo di Rai Tre " Report " il giornalista mostrava la differenza tra i libri che hanno bisogno i commercialisti italiani per compilare la dichiarazione dei redditi (tre tomi!), confrontandoli con i loro colleghi francesi che invece hanno un solo libricino e per di più offrono gratuitamente la loro consulenza ai themselves self-employed workers who fill out tax returns, which is impossible at present in Italy. In addition, a greater number of rules means a greater appreciation for those who have to check with a relative increase in the risk of corruption.
Keep in mind that a self-employed for the time taken for counting, control and payment of taxes has a cost that is added to the mere cost of fees. The simplification of the tax system is a positive process that for the same revenue for the state would have benefits for taxpayers.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What Colour Tie To Wear With Black Shirt

Tu chiamali, se vuoi, Garantisti.

You call them, if you want, guaranteed.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cheaters Hmong Part 1


------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------




ORE 21.30



Seguirà la proiezione di


di Consuelo Calitri e Andrea Nevi (ANIMAZIONE – STOP MOTION)


SC. Alessia Lugli

RE. Emanuele Tassi

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A seguire in sala cinema, sala video, sala bar ed in vari altri spazi



PEEPING SHOW (performance per uno spettatore solo)









The entrance to the buffet and evening are free and free

****************************** *****************************

During the evening it will be possibile to have information about courses by teachers and sign up to Film School