of SHIT Project
After saying their ground on every conceivable topic (television, family, contraception, love, homosexuality, relativism the pleasures of the body and spirit ...), after telling us how we should live, what we have to study or read, after having terrorized with hell and duped by the promise of paradise, in short, after exhausting the topics land or otherwise related to daily life, now also tell us what's "out there".
"The truth is out of there", precisely as read the claim of X-files, where "out there" is, of course, the whole universe. In short, the extraterrestrials exist, or rather, if there is no more than further proof of the existence of God The first thing I thought reading the article in the Corriere.it was that, given the representation in usually being made of the extraterrestrial (little green men with antennae, or cruel and devious beings who want to conquer the world to destroy mankind), perhaps the other planets God has placed the factory rejects, in other words the creation of botched tests. ..
Ah, of course, all this (the ability to believe in "Mars") because it can be said "The Bible is not a scientific book" (but by ...), except when it suits their , but on this course, flying. Now, I say, everyone does what he wants, maybe the Vatican astronomers (because it is the declaration of the head of the Vatican Observatory, not any) are science fiction fans and do not exclude anything, but they have nothing else to think about? And now the good Catholics they do, replace the Gospels with the books of the cycle of the Foundation? It was proclaimed a saint on other planets? In short, you need to outsource this?

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