Alessio Di Lisi, from Lay Resistance .
now in Italy there is an ongoing media-political tam-tam that the clerical not define themselves by what they are but lay claim to the label (perhaps because in the end even if obedient to the Roman Church does not wear the monastic habit), defining those secularists in this country fighting and trying to defend the secular state, as if did not have enough living oxymorons-devout atheists. It's sad to see a lot
like this country instead of going forward in the fight for the rights prefer to go back on the path of history , not just ticking the way for the recognition of the rights of unmarried couples, assisted fertilization, embryo research, quick divorce but under attack, and putting into question a cornerstone of any self-respecting civil status: abortion.
This nation of Catholics who say yes to the Vatican, which participate in Family Day since they are almost all divorced, speaking in Parliament in the elections and to defend the sacred values \u200b\u200bof family, only to then have to be caught partying with prostitutes and cocaine base (on memento. Apples) attack any thing in the smell of freedom of conscience.
In the words of Sam Harris in Letter to a Christian nation, we are facing "a real emergency, whether moral, intellectual, and like him, we all lay Italians have to propose" the specific purpose of demolish the intellectual and moral claims made by Christianity in its most radical. "
We can not flinch, the stakes are too high: the freedom of every person to freely dispose of himself, of his body and his life.
If the political class of a country accepts without condition the dictates of the Vatican into law (Law 40 on assisted reproduction) or denying that there will be a law (unmarried couples, living wills, euthanasia) or by putting the existing laws under attack (the 194 on) we must accept to live in a soft theocratic regime, where power is not directly in the hands of the bishops, but it is still controlled by the church in an indirect manner.
Iran is the expression of a theocratic regime hard: a democracy, because democracy is still controlled and monitored by the ayatollah, the Italy of this step will be a democracy controlled by the CEI.
Every human being has the right to profess their religion freely, but no human being has the right to oblige those who think like him to be subject to certain laws or moral constraints that do not concern him.
If a Catholic, to really believe that the embryo is a human being has a soul (strange because the ostensible maker is 50% of spontaneously aborted embryos and 20% of pregnancies, which implies that either the supposed-Creator God is pro-abortion or women are blamed for causing death by negligence) may refuse to receive treatment involving the use of stem cells;
If a Catholic I believe that abortion is a murder no one will ever force him to have an abortion;
If a Catholic I believe that euthanasia is a murder no one will ever force him to endure it;
If a Catholic I believe that de facto unions are a shame no one will ever force him not to get married in church according to the religious ceremony that he / she professed, but if a Catholic is not has the right freely to choose their lives.
Our job is to demolish the claims of the Roman Church to control our lives, it is the civic engagement of all the true laymen. Everyone can contribute as
No pasaran!
On this, of course, I agree. Ma sono anche pessimista. La percezione del pericolo teocratico per adesso riguarda solo alcune categorie di "minoranza" (una parte delle donne, la maggior parte delle persone lgbt, che sono comunque poche, e qualche altra), nessun altro si muoverà finché non si sentirà direttamente minacciato, o defraudato dei suoi diritti.
Perché non aprire allora IL dibattito, quello che io considero urgente: come 'risvegliare' i laici tutti, come far percepire loro che il pericolo non è retorico ma reale? Eh?
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