Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How To Teach Your Daughter To Madterbate


Una grande tragedia sta avvenendo in Pakistan e contrariamente ad altre occasioni i media italiani non diffondono gli estremi per effettuare donazioni alle popolazioni alluvionate. 

Cosa sta succedendo?
Forse i morti Haiti's are different from those in Pakistan? In these pages I will try to spread some addresses to make donations. I know it's not much but what I can and I can do. What below is the full article from the site of Caritas

The floods this month of August caused the worst disaster in living memory in the country. The dead are 2,000 people and affected about 20 million.
destroyed homes, loss crops and livestock, roads cut off and the risk of epidemics due to lack of clean water and difficult
health conditions. Caritas Pakistan , with support from other Caritas, including
Italian Caritas, is focusing on 4,795 families in five dioceses affected (Multan, Quetta, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi / Islamabad and Hyderabad), which distributes tents, food, non food items and provides health and medical care.
These early interventions in the broader flood emergency program, which will be implemented over three months, for which necessary funds amounting to € 4 million . A total of 250,000 people will benefit.
Il vescovo di Multan, S.E. Mons. Andrew Francis, ha visitato il  dispensario  di Caritas
Pakistan a Multan (foto), situato vicino Dera Dina Panah, una delle città più colpite dall'alluvione nella provincia di Punjab. Il vescovo ha sottolineato che questa non è la prima volta in cui i cristiani lavorano per aiutare i fratelli musulmani.
  Il dispensario ha finora fornito assistenza medica a 1.950 pazienti e distribuito cibo a 3.000 persone.
The Italian Episcopal Conference is actively allocating one million euro and inviting the community church to pray for and support solidarity initiatives promoted by the Italian Caritas.

Releases and Updates (pdf)
19/08/2010  - 
12/08/2010 09/08/2010
through other channels . Photo by Caritas Pakistan (pdf)
Sito di Caritas Internationalis


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