Saturday, January 30, 2010

How To Bleach Hair With Ice Cream Inebrya


Public intelligent article (as always) the "hello" to Gramellini today in La Stampa. Why can not I right that I should fear to take my children to do a walk in the woods for fear they become targets for hunters ....

Hunting and love

While in the classroom was fighting with strokes of amendments late into the evening, one hundred and fifty environmental groups have asked the Prime Minister to stop the hands of his senators, about to vote on a rule that allows to expand the hunting season already over five infinite months allowed by law. As supreme leader of the Party of Love, the prime minister can not remain indifferent to the cry of pain that rises from all nests, from all the holes, and also by several country houses: the hunters who elect them to the battlefield. Recently a friend was woken at dawn by a burst of gunfire. She raised their shutters and fearful saw three men crouched in the courtyard, in camouflage fatigues and armed fino ai denti. Sulle prime ha pensato fossero dei terroristi diretti verso il suo pollaio per una missione kamikaze. Poi il loro accento le ha permesso di identificarli: erano cacciatori bergamaschi. Alle sue timide rimostranze («potreste cortesemente andare a giocare ai cowboy da qualche altra parte?») gli impavidi guerrieri hanno risposto come Ghedini: citando un articolo del codice civile che consente ai cacciatori, e soltanto a loro, di entrare nei fondi privati senza il consenso del proprietario. Ecco, presidente dell’Amore, se volesse strafare, oltre alla nuova legge sarebbe un gesto amorevole eliminare anche la vecchia. E istituire un gigantesco parco giochi, dove quei fanciulloni possano finalmente sparare per dodici mesi l'anno in birds and game boxes.


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