Lectio Divina - II Domenica Avvento
as promised I am sending on behalf of the liturgy, the text of lectio divina for the second Sunday of Advent.
Good prayers to all, Luca
06 December 2009 - The Word came down
Year C - Second Sunday of Advent
First Reading: 5.1 to 9 Bar
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 125 From
Second Reading: Phil 1,4-6,8-11
Gospel: Lk 3.1 to 6
we celebrate one hundred born, without ever God is born in our hearts.
So we need a time of inner life, because we can finally welcome the light of the Lord. In order for the day of the coming of the Lord leads him there and suddenly we are unprepared. Would spend the tragicomic life to invoke the coming of the Lord, and not be in the moment of coming up within!
course, not everything is easy and pulling against us: sweet climate, the theft perpetrated by the Christmas market that relies on the good feelings, the difficulties of everyday life.
not easy, but it is possible: Christ asks us to look up, instead of complaining and look beyond, beyond, beyond. The important thing is to get to Christmas, the real one, with the heart, light, leave without burdening the dissipation from the stunning, from the worries of life.
God comes, he takes the initiative, it is his first step.
Scripture reveals to us the face of a God who weaves relationships, looking for the man, who woos. The story, a beautiful and dramatic, between Israel and her God was not always successful and fruitful.
Now God is to explain, to tell us to say.
God is revealed.
The stately and solemn opening words of the preaching of John the Baptist confirms its intention to tell Lucas of historical events, not edifying stories of pious devotion. Luke, a disciple of Paul, has never seen Jesus in his life. As we were charmed and seduced by the preaching of Paul and the fire of his word. Luke, Antioch, greek, cultured and refined, he wrote his gospel after Mark, in conjunction with Matthew. He cares, Luca, to prove (even then!) That is not running after a fairytale but the ad is based on solid foundations. The description of
geo-political situation of the time of the preaching of John the Baptist leaves us amazed, we children of Dan Brown, and tells us again and again that we do not run behind the stories (though some Christians behave like characters from operetta) but that our faith rests on solid foundations.
Would that Luke did at least a little ashamed of our ignorance of evangelical awesome! Stories
Luke, however, also means other things. All the characters listed, some more, some less, holds absolute power in his hand, know that they can decide the destinies of peoples, and I feel great. The Word of God elegantly dribbles all lords and lands on a macerated consumed thirty by the desert wind and fasting, a sullen and angry crowds of God that is consumed on the banks of the Jordan, John the Baptist. Already
Baruch, Jeremiah's secretary, in the first reading turns to the people dispersed and sees a comeback. Talk to the beggars, without hope, to the deportees that drag as slaves waiting to die. And dream.
So it is, friends, History of God is superimposed on the small and violent history of humanity and transforms.
None of us knows if Herod had killed John the Baptist. The procurator Pilate is appointed every Sunday in the profession of faith for its daring and military policy, but praised for killing a carpenter who took it for God was.
And we want to belong to that story? The energies, dreams and daring that we have made for who or what we? For the fragile human history? Or God? Work in progress
enter in the history other means, above all, open to the wonder of God, waiting to welcome him and what he is, not what we would like it to be. The advent of the commitments it adds little to our faith and our unwillingness to prayer, but a time when we are asked to notice, to pave the way, to throw open the heart.
Quoting Isaiah, John is very precise about what to do: straighten the paths, filling the ravines, the mountains flatten.
Raddrizzare i sentieri, cioè avere un pensiero semplice, lineare, senza troppi giri di testa. La fede è esperienza personale che nasce nella fiducia, che diventa abbandono. La fede va interrogata, nutrita, è intelleggibile, ragionevole. Ma ad un certo punto diventa salto, ragionevole salto tra le braccia di questo Dio. Abbiamo bisogno di pensieri veri nella nostra vita, di pensieri positivi e buoni per poter accogliere la luce.
Riempire i burroni delle nostre fragilità. Tutti noi portiamo nel cuore dei crateri più o meno grandi, più o meno insidiosi, delle fatiche più o meno superate. Ebbene: occorre stare attenti a non lasciarci travolgere dalle nostre fragilità o, peggio, mascherarle. Ognuno di noi porta in the heart of darkness: the important thing is that we do not speak, it is important not listen to them.
Paving the mountains. In a world based on the image has more the appearance of the substance. Good fitness, good body-building to stay in shape. It is good to take care of your dress. But we need to open some spirit-building gym, beautician some of the heart and soul!
Wait with joy
Simplicity, truth, desire: these are the tools for finding a path to God
This already gives us joy, the wait already shakes us inside, it opens as a joy ... wonder what St. Paul test for its Greek community Philippi, like the psalmist describes the return of the captives from Babylon to Jerusalem.
So, friends resistant, Carbonari spirit, disciples of the Rabbi, on small and fragile and missing you God sends down His Word.
Look up, I pray.
Animo, the hand shovels and pickaxes inner spiritual: there is to do this week ...
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