Questo blog si prende una pausa, una pausa di riflessione; che può durare pochi giorni, come molti di più.
A parte lo scarsissimo numero di visitatori (che sarebbe già un motivo più che sufficiente per chiuderlo definitivamente), il fatto è che - come ho già got to say - I lack something, in this beautiful society made up of lay Internet users (or assumed) that are found every day to talk and give friendly backslapping each other.
When I raised the issue-only problem for me, it seems, someone had talked about how our site / blog "self" and narcissistic, and sometimes I almost think has a point: we are more or less all agree on what we say: the Church oppresses us, homophobia, secularism and so on. We display of culture (not that I do not have one) and the occupation of anti-clericalism, sometimes we do a competition to see who it is anymore. We open all the time new sites and new blogs (including this one ...). What is missing is the construction phase and proactive, concrete action, mobilization, what the heck, at least one proposal to try to make ourselves visible to emerge from the catacombs. Nothing, just appeals ( this is the last that I know of) almost useless, however, bet on it, and signed more or less the same persons.
Mind you, I love all these people, even without knowing them, but I ... I no longer enough, I do not need to stand before the PC to become a "comforting therapy group", for me there is no time to wait (what?), we do not have a guide? Meanwhile We show that we are! We are few? How do we grow if we do nothing? And then, maybe that multiply sites and blogs saying the same thing-a-more or less the same people used to increase the number of lay people aware? I'd really love to have some kind of statistics on how much and how effectively they echo the sites 'secularists' in Italy ...
understood that if I'm wrong I'll be very glad, very happy to be proved wrong, and I mean really. Understood that I do not want to generalize, this unbearable "apathy secular" does not touch everyone, fortunately. Understood that I understand-it affects me too-that is objectively difficult at times to find time and space to engage in any iniziativa concreta.
Inteso tutto quello che ci pare... ma io non riesco più a farmi bastare di stare qui davanti a scribacchiare qualche commento indignato sul sito/blog di turno. Questo non vuol dire che non continuerò a farlo, ma... insomma, per quanto riguarda questo blog, ho bisogno di una pausa.
Per la cronaca: il blog "gemello" Quasibaol , più personale e disimpegnato, invece andrà ancora avanti per un pò.
A rivederci, forse...
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