Friday, February 24, 2006

Pinnacle 150e 55e Sur Mac

it.cultura.ateismo and reproduced in full.

In questo messaggio

* illustro because the campaign for the removal of crucifixes from public places is psychologically wrong;

* propose an alternative campaign: an alternative way to solve the same problem without removing the crucifix;

* shows that this alternative would be even better but not worse removal of the crucifix.

* explains why this alternative would have many more chances of success.

atheists We must strive to understand that if someone is a believer, he deeply loves the crucifix. There is attached. When you hear that someone wants to remove from any place, taking him in the psychological mechanisms EMOTIONAL, resentment, blocking the rational component. Then he appiglierà to pseudo-rational arguments, with false excuses, such as "The cross is part of our culture" or the recent "The crucifix is \u200b\u200ba symbol of secularism." And will do so in good faith, believe that.

All these arguments are false in fact the product of emotion. The reaction, though regrettable, it is normal to a certain point of view: "You come and tell me to remove a symbol that has always existed, and that I love so much? But go to that country. If you do not like you pretend that there is, and do not bother. ". It is normal. That's understandable. It is human. The brain is sufficient to note the pattern "I love X" + "Y è nemico di X", per suscitare sentimento di ostilità, che BLOCCA la ragione e spinge all'uso della "forza": essi sfrutteranno la loro superiorità numerica per diffondere le pseudo-giustificazioni di cui sopra, ed averla così vinta. Ma attenzione: la loro non è viltà. Essi non si rendono neppure conto che tali giustificazioni sono ridicole: ci credono veramente. Sinceramente. Gli uomini sono capaci di autoconvincersi di cose illogiche quando fanno loro comodo. Hanno una componente irrazionale che blocca la razionalità. L'uomo si comporta così per motivi evolutivi. Anzi, evolutivamente parlando sarebbe sorprendente se gli uomini non si comportassero così. Specialmente i credenti (senza offesa) hanno questa tendenza to autoconvincersi.

Fortunately for us atheists need not be required to remove the crucifix. Let us ask ourselves: what we really want us atheists? We want to be free from discrimination. We want to be equated by the State. We want to have equal status in the sense of recognition of the state. We want, if it was explicitly recognized religious freedom, should also explicitly recognize the freedom of not being religious. This we want. But if we want this, it is not necessary to remove the crucifix. There is also a second way: HANG IN ADDITION TO THE CROSS SYMBOL TA. Does not detract from the following: to add something.

In principle it is obvious: to solve discrimination, there are two ways you can remove all signs, but you can also put ALL. Because no one has ever seriously considered the latter?

I think this second option key advantages:

1. In this way, lest the emotions of the believers, why not ask them to remove anything. We just want to add our icon to not be discriminated against. We restrict therefore very emotional reaction which blocks the right. This reduces social conflicts and increases the likelihood of success of our campaign.

2. Even in some of them continue (this time unfairly) to oppose, they would be deprived of their most Strong argument: "The crucifix should not be removed because it's cultural heritage." In fact, we would reply simply: "Nobody asked to remove it. We just want to add another one because the state can not discriminate one culture over another."

is why I believe that the request would have added much more likely to succeed than the removal request.

3. Now you might think that this is for us a "make do". Quite the contrary: this would be even better for us the removal of the crucifix, because it is more explicit. Add a symbol means EXPRESSLY legitimize a group of people or ideas. Instead, remove a symbol è solo IMPLICITAMENTE una legittimazione.

Immaginate il bambino che va a scuola e vede aggiungere un nuovo simbolo alla parete, accanto al crocifisso. Un simbolo sconosciuto. Il bambino chiede che cos'è, e gli rispondono: "Il simbolo dell'ateismo". Allora il bambino si rende conto che la posizione atea è perfettamente legittima, non una cosa di cui vergognarsi. TUTTO QUESTO NON SUCCEDEREBBE CON LA SEMPLICE RIMOZIONE DEL CROCIFISSO.

Insomma, l'aggiunta di un simbolo dell'ateismo darebbe alla cultura atea una legittimazione ancora maggiore dell'abolizione del crocifisso.


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