The Catholic baptism of children is practiced a few months. The reason for this practice and 'due to the following:
1) the parents or grandparents demand (for objective reasons unknown to them);
2) "And' good cause 'is a way to celebrate the birth Baby ";
3) " It 'just' cause I'm a Catholic "(most 'of the time not practicing for decades) .
And 'interesting to note that why is Journal eliminate original sin (whatever that 'might mean). The real reason for the Church and 'obviously expand and maintain the basis of followers figurative : once baptized, in fact, you are branded for life as belonging to the cult of the Catholic religion whatever happens after .
NOTE: Jesus' (if ever) seems to have been baptized as an adult.
result I Catholic, the Vatican, I can 'use to force the Italian Parliament to legislate as if in Italy there was a majority of Catholics. However, if the sbattezzo was really possibile, cioe' fosse agli atti che in Italia i cattolici autentici sono quattro gatti, il Vaticano avrebbe il peso dei testimoni di Geova ed altre religioni: nullo .
Esiste pero' un metodo per sbattezzarsi. Per chi volesse approfondire:
UAAR - La mia lunga battaglia per essere sbattezzato
Intanto la questione "battesimo" per mia figlia si sta avvicinando. Pregusto gia' il piacere di vedere le facce dei personaggi non credenti, non cattolici e non praticanti che vogliono il battesimo perche' "bisogna farlo, altrimenti cosa dice la gente?" .
Ma come si fa ad essere cosi' stupidi and dull? If you're not a practicing Catholic who is the point?
a) is not 'my religion
b) We do not want to be my daughter (too many contradictions)
c) is not' the religion of those who would like baptism (grandparents and various relatives)!
At least the church wedding allows you to (ideally) to ask the Sacred Rota of cancel while exempted from the obligation to pay child support ... From
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