Not to forget the days of the revolution in Egypt that led to the loss of power Mubarak is on an Internet site that contains pictures and movies of those days. As if to demonstrate again the importance of the Internet network in these revolutions that are shaking the North Africa this site is a large archive available to everyone: http://iamjan25.com
Images of Tahrir Square, the symbol of the revolt.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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Tunisia, Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, and now also North Korea .
There are moments when one realizes he's in the center of history, moments in which anything can happen. For my generation happened in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall, it happened in 2001 with the collapse of the Twin Towers in New York and is happening today with the riots in many countries around the world. The amazing thing these
day is the diffusion rate, and the relevance of these riots. Certainly affected the global economic crisis that has triggered the spark to reverse decades of schemes, the hope is to replace an authoritarian regime if it is not establishing another perhaps even more repressive. In Egypt, after the departure of Mubarak the real power is in the hands of the military, the same soldiers who led the country through general for many years.
Tunisia, Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, and now also North Korea .
There are moments when one realizes he's in the center of history, moments in which anything can happen. For my generation happened in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall, it happened in 2001 with the collapse of the Twin Towers in New York and is happening today with the riots in many countries around the world. The amazing thing these
day is the diffusion rate, and the relevance of these riots. Certainly affected the global economic crisis that has triggered the spark to reverse decades of schemes, the hope is to replace an authoritarian regime if it is not establishing another perhaps even more repressive. In Egypt, after the departure of Mubarak the real power is in the hands of the military, the same soldiers who led the country through general for many years.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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photo © 2008 Photocapy Europe left us alone to stem the wave of landings by Tunisia and Libya. The bureaucrats in Brussels are very good at filling the mouth with respect for human rights, but when you need hard facts of real politics , as an effort to distribute the refugees on several European Union countries, L ' Europe vanishes. As Colonel Gaddafi said yesterday about alleged arms supplied by Italy is very serious, is the ravings of a madman. Libyan Colonel was to be our best ally, but Italy was the first country to be brought up as an enemy. At this point I hope the Italian government to return to a genuine policy foreign, suspending all existing treaties with Libya until the situation has been clarified and will end the violence. I think at this point it takes a clear stance, and above all practical.
Monday, February 21, 2011
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I would like to say something to all those people who still believe that the Revolution is the best path to democracy and to achieve their rights. I would tell them to watch carefully what happens in Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Iran, Libya. I would say to these people in these riots, people die.
I say this because even in the last election campaign I have heard politicians praising the revolution of the proletariat! I profondamente convinto che non si debba mai confondere la difesa dei diritti legittimi con la violenza. Perchè anche la nostra storia ci insegna che si sa quando inizia una rivoluzione ma non si riesce mai a prevedere dove questa porterà, sicuramente nel mezzo rimangono però molti figli, molti martiri soprattutto civili.
I would like to say something to all those people who still believe that the Revolution is the best path to democracy and to achieve their rights. I would tell them to watch carefully what happens in Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Iran, Libya. I would say to these people in these riots, people die.
I say this because even in the last election campaign I have heard politicians praising the revolution of the proletariat! I profondamente convinto che non si debba mai confondere la difesa dei diritti legittimi con la violenza. Perchè anche la nostra storia ci insegna che si sa quando inizia una rivoluzione ma non si riesce mai a prevedere dove questa porterà, sicuramente nel mezzo rimangono però molti figli, molti martiri soprattutto civili.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
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Aiuto! ho bisogno che qualcuno mi spieghi una cosa!
Pompei sta crollando e i musei italiani sono spesso organizzati male. L'Italia è il primo paese al mondo per patrimonio culturale, ogni epoca storica ha lasciato sul nostro territorio un'eredità che si è stratificata con quelle che l'hanno seguita. Nonostante questo patrimonio lo stato italiano non unable to repay the debt!
I come to the point, the minister did not have to dismiss Bondi for the collapse of Pompeii. In my opinion you should resign,
as all his predecessors, because they failed to make us a rich country thanks to the exploitation of our cultural heritage!
E 'in Italy may not be able to monetize, to take advantage of a wealth so great that the whole world envies us? The task of
real policy should be to find resources to redistribute evenly among the population, but if politicians and administrators fail to find abundant resources where they would not even be able to redistribute! 's the point, someone I can explain why since the war was never made a serious investment plan on the Italian cultural heritage?
Aiuto! ho bisogno che qualcuno mi spieghi una cosa!
I come to the point, the minister did not have to dismiss Bondi for the collapse of Pompeii. In my opinion you should resign,
as all his predecessors, because they failed to make us a rich country thanks to the exploitation of our cultural heritage!
E 'in Italy may not be able to monetize, to take advantage of a wealth so great that the whole world envies us? The task of
Friday, February 4, 2011
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Sorry I think I lost something important! I missed the journalists who were ready to take to the streets to defend with a knife between his teeth the right to report.
Anna Maria is a Greek journalist of the newspaper which published an article about Ilda Boccassini. Result: search at the home of a journalist. Now, I do not agree with the investigations of persons who enter the private, but I am deeply convinced that you are using two weights and two measures.
Michele Santoro and his journalist can spread wiretaps, documents, alleged procedural tests and that is freedom of the press, the most of the blame lies with those who have brought out the news from the courts. As if doing the same things is a reporter for the "right" are sent to the police to search the house.
course in this way some doubt on the impartiality of the judiciary SOME (not all) is to me. And the champions of freedom of information where they are now? I do not see many journalists worried about these facts.
Sorry I think I lost something important! I missed the journalists who were ready to take to the streets to defend with a knife between his teeth the right to report.
Anna Maria is a Greek journalist of the newspaper which published an article about Ilda Boccassini. Result: search at the home of a journalist. Now, I do not agree with the investigations of persons who enter the private, but I am deeply convinced that you are using two weights and two measures.
Michele Santoro and his journalist can spread wiretaps, documents, alleged procedural tests and that is freedom of the press, the most of the blame lies with those who have brought out the news from the courts. As if doing the same things is a reporter for the "right" are sent to the police to search the house.
course in this way some doubt on the impartiality of the judiciary SOME (not all) is to me. And the champions of freedom of information where they are now? I do not see many journalists worried about these facts.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
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report an important call for a genuine policy
report an important call for a genuine policy
, what is lacking in this country. If you want to join can go to the site that inspired this article:
policy has put the strategy digitale al centro del dibattito in tutte le principali economie del mondo. Ma non in Italia.
Eppure in Italia metà della popolazione usa Internet. La tecnologia è parte integrante della vita quotidiana di milioni di cittadini. Studenti, lavoratori, professionisti e imprenditori si confrontano costantemente con i rischi e le opportunità determinate dall’innovazione tecnologica.
Siamo convinti che affrontare con incisività questo ritardo, eliminare i digital divide, sviluppare la cultura digitale con l’obiettivo di conquistare la leadership nello sviluppo ed applicazione delle potenzialità di Internet e delle tecnologie, costituisca la principale opportunità di sviluppo, con benefici economici and social services for the entire country.
We call upon all political forces, without exception, calling for their commitment to actually put this issue at the center of national political debate.
involving economic and social representatives, consumers, universities and those in this country, work in the forefront on this issue.
attracted the attention of all political parties, employers, workers, researchers, i cittadini, perchè non vedano in queste parole la missione di una sola parte, ma di tutto il Paese.
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