Syndrome Coolidge
There is a theory called the "Coolidge effect", whereby there is a continuous need to change sexual partners, to maintain the vitality and overall wellbeing. Not only that, according to scholars sexual diversity in humans is a legacy of their "biological past." The ancestral need to procreate, to ensure new warriors for the defense community, which prompted them to mate with females always different, would have been inherent in human nature. As if to say, the unfaithful man fights to "win" the extinction, and variety helps to keep the prolific sexual activity.
Where did the "Coolidge effect"
"Coolidge effect" takes its name from an anecdote on the former, U.S. President Calvin Coolidge, who was visiting with his wife on a farm by the government. On reaching the place, undertook two separate tours; When the lady walked past the chicken coops, note the details he stopped and asked if the rooster to mate more than once a day. "Dozens of times," came the reply. "Please Tell it to the President," said the first lady. When the presidente visitò gli stessi pollai e fu informato delle abitudini del gallo, chiese: ”Con la stessa gallina tutte le volte?” “Oh no, signor Presidente, ogni volta con una gallina diversa”. Il presidente annuì lentamente, poi affermò: “Riferitelo alla signora Coolidge”.
“L’effetto Coolidge” è documentato e studiato negli animali. Nei topi è stato riscontrato che l’istinto sessuale del maschio si rinnova continuamente in presenza di una nuova femmina sessualmente ricettiva, con benefici effetti sull’attività celebrale.
Ma il comportamento umano è sempre rapportabile al comportamento animale?
Da recenti ricerche emerge che l’infedeltà, although widespread, in many cases not at all conducive to the welfare but rather to become a significant source of stress, even if the "escapades" not being detected. In fact, for many, the parallel operation of the various reports generated feelings of guilt and tension, resulting in psychological syndromes such as crises of anxiety and depression, all for an overall impairment of quality of life of the people involved.
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