Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Itunes Your System Has Not Been Modified

On happiness', fragments from USENET

Think about what Catholicism affects our lives more 'to what we want, dig deep into your look, if you think there is a God who works in the world, or if it is only when we are tales told by children, who become a source of anxiety as adults (if you get these ideas seem new, they have already 'spoken in many, even some Freud, some years ago) and how the social pressures artificially build your idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness', the point that the more 'will depart da questa idea di felicita' tanto piu' senti di dover essere infelice.

Da bambini ci danno giocattoli. Ci stancano, li rompiamo e ne vogliamo sempre di nuovi.
Crescendo dobbiamo imparare che la felicità non è nei giocattoli. La felicità deve sgorgare da dentro di noi, dall'accettazione del mondo, della realtà e soprattutto degli altri. La felicità non sta nell'inseguire le torme di pensieri che affollano la nostra testa.
Se non impariamo, continuiamo ad inseguire illusioni attraverso giocattoli. Chiamali automobili, vacanze di grido, abiti firmati e anche persone che diventano il mezzo del nostro benessere e le sentiamo nostre,
invece di essere il nostro fine.
Così possiamo accusarle di non never do enough of being the cause of our troubles, not to love one another as they should, given how the "love" us.
I'm not saying it's easy to get there. Rationally, if you want it, it's pretty easy to understand. But we must be able to accept it emotionally and this is really difficult.
The awareness that the pain we feel is wrong is a start.

To conclude with a quote: "[...]

what we call happiness is suddenly accumulated satisfaction of needs and so 'can only exist as an episodic phenomenon. " (S. Freud)

Thursday, June 8, 2006

What Will Cocoa Powder Do To Chili

Conditioner by it.discussioni.energie-alternative

In any case, my opinion is that the packaging, cases less than health, is bad because the only effect in the medium term is a general increase in temperatures.

very short-term budget
In your house is fresher, it is hotter in your neighborhood, it is warmer where there is the power plant. You've spent a bit 'of your income for your comfort. You have less money to invest in alternative sources.

medium-term budgetary
Fa hottest year before and so on. Your neighbor will install the air conditioner and it will be hot. The only requirement by the work of moving the heat (from the inside out but added that the engine) are forced to operate at temperatures higher and higher and yields lower and lower. At this rate we will have to mount air conditioner is always the biggest that will only increase the temperature.

goes without saying that this is not the way unless, to return to topic, the energy used to operate the air conditioner is not renewable. Here then the air conditioner is cleared through customs from wind, biomass, hydroelectric, solar, etc. .. but do not share the short term nature of our society.

reasoning as well as extremist also an approximation, namely that all the energy consumption is of fossil origin, which is not true because, fortunately, 15% circa è idroelettrico.

Saturday, June 3, 2006

Bmw Bike Birthday Cake

What you might not know about Chernobyl, it.discussioni.energie-alternative

  • Chernobyl utilizzava reattori a grafite, ben più pericolosi di quelli utilizzati da sempre in tutto l'occidente;
  • erano reattori di grandi dimensioni per i quali era impossibile creare strutture di contenimento solide come quelle utilizzate nei reattori occidentali molto più piccoli;
  • non si tratto' di un incidente durante il funzionamento ma di un esperimento fatto dai tecnici che non erano informati dei limiti del reattore, ai tempi quei reattori erano "pubblicamente" conosciuti come perfetti secondo la normale propaganda e metodologia russa;
  • vennero rimosse tutte le barre di contenimento quando anche l'ultimo ingegnere Nuclear graduate knows that 10 days ago in reactors of that kind should never fall below 1 / 3;
  • the few safety systems were deliberately blocked the experiment.

The area around Chernobyl is now the most radioactive of the atmosphere at aircraft that are in any area of \u200b\u200bItaly, the huge problem is any dust, dust sisono diffuze for the explosion of the reactor vessel, unprotected spheroid by a containment of suitable strength.